Conan the destroyer cast monster
Conan the destroyer cast monster

conan the destroyer cast monster

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. This section needs additional citations for verification. Jehnna offers Conan marriage and the opportunity to rule the kingdom with her, but he declines and departs to find further adventures and his own place in the world. The newly crowned Queen Jehnna offers each of her companions a place in her new court: Zula will be the new captain of the guard, Akiro the queen's advisor, and Malak the court jester.

conan the destroyer cast monster

Grappling with the monster, Conan tears out Dagoth's horn, weakening Dagoth enough to kill him. Zula and Malak join the fight, but Dagoth effortlessly sweeps them aside. The rising Dagoth becomes distorted from a human statue into a monstrous entity.

conan the destroyer cast monster

Zula impales the Grand Vizier before he can sacrifice Jehnna. Conan confronts Bombaata and kills him in combat. Malak shows them a secret route to the throne room. Despite this treachery, Conan and his allies escape from the priests and trek to Shadizar to rescue Jehnna. A secret exit is revealed, but Bombaata blocks the others' escape and seizes Jehnna. They are attacked by the priests guarding the horn. He learns that Jehnna will be ritually sacrificed to awaken Dagoth. Jehnna obtains it while Akiro deciphers engravings. They reach an ancient temple, where the horn is secured. Jehnna expresses romantic interest in Conan, but he rebuffs her and declares his devotion to Valeria. The gem reveals where the jeweled horn is. Bombaata feigns ignorance about the attack. They are ambushed by Taramis's guards, but drive them off. With the wizard's death, the castle begins to disintegrate, forcing the group's hasty retreat. By breaking the mirrors Conan mortally wounds the creature which is revealed as a polymorphed Thoth-Amon. As they search for Jehnna, Conan is separated from the group, and the others are forced to watch him battle a fierce man-beast in a hall of mirrors. In the morning Akiro divines this and also divines a hidden entrance to the castle through a water gate. As they sleep by the lake surrounding the castle, the wizard takes the form of a giant bird and kidnaps Jehnna. The adventurers travel to the castle of Thoth-Amon, where the gem is located. Freeing Zula at Jehnna's request, Conan accepts the indebted warrior's offer to join their quest. The adventurers encounter Zula, a powerful bandit warrior being tortured by vengeful villagers. The gem is secured in the fortress of a powerful wizard, so Conan seeks the help of his friend Akiro, the Wizard of the Mounds, who must first be rescued from a tribe of cannibals who have captured him. Bombaata has secret orders to kill Conan once the gem is obtained. Conan and Malak are joined by Bombaata, the captain of Taramis's guard. The magic gem Heart of Ahriman must first be retrieved, in order to locate the horn. He is to escort the Queen's niece, Princess Jehnna, a virgin, who is destined to restore the jeweled horn of the dreaming god Dagoth. He refuses her, but when she promises to resurrect his lost love, Valeria, Conan agrees to the quest. Satisfied, she tells Conan that she has a quest for him. Conan and his companion, the thief Malak, are confronted by Queen Taramis of Shadizar, who tests their combat ability with several of her guards.

Conan the destroyer cast monster