Because of this, they are often viewed as good mediators or problem solvers. Type O's are your anything goes, personable, get-along-with-everybody types. you are not picking up on social signals. Type B's might be accused of being “ KY“, an abbreviation of “ Kuuki ga Yomenai (空気が読めない)” which literally means that you “can't read the air” i.e.

They can concentrate but only on things that interest them, and have a tendency to go on about things that are of little or no interest to those around them.

They are very honest and say what they think, which, depending on the circumstances, can be perceived as a good characteristic or as selfish. Type B's are easy-going, relaxed and bubbly. Type A's are sensitive and take things to heart. They also tend to be fairly quiet and shy, like to listen and follow along with conversations rather than leading them. They like things to be done a certain way, which can be perceived as annoying by others. Type A's are considered to be highly organized, particular, precise, pay attention to detail, perfectionists. Also note that blood typing, at least under the current theory, is not concerned with + or -, simply the major letter group. Note that many tendencies are thrown around for each blood type, however, the following are major generalizations that seem to come up time and time again. Let's look at the characteristics stereotypically attributed to each blood group. So, what does your blood type say about you? The theory has been based on observational studies of people of the four blood groupings, and while there is no real scientific proof to the claim that blood type determines character, most Japanese believe that there is at least something semi-scientific about it. The pair have been widely credited as bringing blood type personality theory into mainstream Japanese thinking. He wrote more than 10 popular books on the subject until his death in 1981, after which his son, Toshitaka Nomi, continued developing the study through his own books and research facility, the Institute of Blood Type Humanics. However, the idea largely lay dormant until it was revived by journalist Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s with his best-seller Ketsuekigata de Wakaru Aisho (Understanding Affinity by Blood Type). The theory of linking blood type to personality first appeared as early as 1916 and was later taken up by the military who apparently used blood type to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of their soldiers, and reportedly organized battle groups during WWII based on blood type. This is a relatively modern concept as blood types themselves were only discovered in 1901. It is a widely held belief in Japan that your blood type determines your personality. So why are you constantly asked for what outsiders may deem personal medical information? Japanese Blood Type Personality Theory

Strike up a conversation in a bar or head out to a dinner party in Japan and the likelihood is that the conversation will, at some point, steer towards blood type ( ketsuekigata 血液型).įoreigners are sometimes perplexed about this Japanese fascination with blood type, which is often used as small talk when meeting someone for the first time or getting to know them.